Imperfection inspires imagination and creativity.
The more you feel imperfect, the more you feel alive. We hope your imperfections encourage you to achieve your goals and more.

Fine line tattoo method uses small needles (often a single needle or 3rl) to create a thin, delicate and intricate tattoo that ranges anywhere between 0.5-3 inches. The tattoo art work can be done with black, grey, white or any colors. Our artists are trained specifically to use single needles without causing trauma or blow-outs to your skin. The appointment can range anywhere between 30 mins to 4 hours depending on the complexity of your tattoo design. We ensure the longevity of your fine line tattoo by offering a free first touch up within 4-6 weeks after your service. However, a retouch is not required for most of our clients.

Ombré Powder Brows
The ombré powder method is very similar to a traditional tattoo and involves the application of thousands of tiny dots of pigment, inserted into the skin, gradually building up a color and defined shape. The technique is described by its name, with results being powdery with a faded front and a crisp tail, resembling the look of makeup. Ombre powder is less invasive, less painful, and heals more naturally than micro-blading. It is also suitable for all skin types and pigment retention lasts up to 3 years.

Volume lashing is a technique that can only be done by advanced lash artists who have perfected their classic lashing skills. Instead of applying one extension fiber to 1 natural lash, we apply 2 or more extensions to 1 natural lash while keeping the integrity of clients’ lashes. Our artists hand-make each and every single volume lash fan during the application process so the appointment can take a little bit of time, but doing this will ensure the longevity and retention of the client’s lash extension.

Brow Lamination
Brow lamination takes your unruly brow hairs and smooths them out while also lifting the hairs in a more vertical direction. The brow hairs are brushed into place to cover any gaps and then permed and set semi-permanently, giving the illusion of major hair growth. The result can last up to 6 weeks. It is a non-invasive alternative to micro-blading if you don’t want to commit to a permanent result.