Group fine line tattoos Training
(2 days theoretical and practical)
Beginner course $3500
Class capacity: 4 students max
Instructor: Holly Le
Assisting instructor: Christina Nguyen
Day 1: theory with a whole class of up to 6
Day 2: students will be split into different time slots to tattoo live models. Each student will get to tattoo up to 2 models and will be guided by both instructors Holly and Christina so that the student get to learn both teaching styles.
8 hours 10 aM - 6 pm both days

Course curriculum
Basics of different body art methods (traditional vs fine line)
State rules & regulations
Intro to Fine Line Tattoos
Clients/Pre-care requirements
Product Knowledge
In-depth machine & stroke lengths knowledge
In depth needles knowledge
Different printing and stenciling techniques
Knowledge of skin layers and which is the proper depth for tattoo,
Different body placements and pain level/color retention corresponding to the body part.
Color theory
Proper sanitation requirements
Hand Movements/Placements
Practice on fake skin
Proper lining technique ( Push or Pull)
Proper shading techniques ( Pendulum, whip or solid packing)
Machine Holding
Proper Work Set up
How to Deliver Quality Customer Service
Client Consultation/Consent forms
Understanding proper tattooing pressure
Understanding of "Passes" in body art and fine line tattoos
Do's and Don't's
How to capture quality photos/videos and how to edit
Aftercare requirements
Semi private Fine line tattoo course includes
USB with 1000+ designs
Flux Wireless Machine (with charging cables and adaptor)
Ink Eeze Pink Glide
Stencil stuff
Bactine cleansing spray
Thermal stencil papers
Aloe Vera Gel
Second skin/ tattoo wrap
Dynamic ink (Black)
Dynamic ink (Red)
Brite ink (White)
Alcohol wipes
Practice skin
Green soap
Surgical skin marker
6 inch acrylic ruler
Dental bibs
Ink Cups
Lipstick applicators
Wooden wax sticks
Clip cord sleeve
Official Manual
Framed certificate
Ongoing Support and Continuous Education
At Imperfect Artistry, we believe in continuous education. Student’s learning journey does not end after taking the training. Students can come back to our studio in Scottsdale Arizona anytime within the first 3 months to shadow any of our artists to fully grasp the skillset. At the shadowing appointment, students will get to watch the instructor, or any other artist perform the procedure from start to finish. Questions will be allowed at the shadow appointment.
Imperfect Artistry also offers a chance for students to practice at our studio for the first month after training. This will allow the student to bring in models to work under the guidance of the instructor for additional practice and understanding of the fine line tattoo method.
For students residing outside of Arizona, especially those in California, we understand the challenges of making a trip back to Arizona. To accommodate this, we are returning to Southern California every other month, offering another opportunity for you to join us for a shadowing session or to take more model under our guidance, completely free of charge. Please note that the location will be different each time, and details will be announced closer to the date. Space is limited, and availability will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis.
Imperfect Artistry’s fine line tattoos training will prepare students to be professional in their skill and create the best quality of work while possessing a concrete knowledge of this body art technique. Students will receive a certification upon completion of the course. Our semi private training is suitable for students who already have basic understandings of tattooing or beginners who have no previous experience. The training is set up so that on the 2nd day (practical/live model day) each student will get one on one time with both instructors (Holly & Christina). Students will receive a certification upon completion of the course.
Private 2:1 Fine Line Tattoos training
(2 days theoretical & practical)
hours 10 aM - 6 pm both days
Instructor: Holly Le $4000 , Christina $4000
This private class will include live models for student. Student can perform fine line tattoos on up to 4 models for 2nd day (live model day)

Imperfect Artistry’s fine line tattoos training will prepare students to be professional in their skill and create the best quality of work while possessing a concrete knowledge of this body art technique. Students will receive a certification upon completion of the course. Our semi private training is suitable for students who already have basic understandings of tattooing or beginners who have no previous experience. The training is set up so that on the 2nd day (practical/live model day) each student will get one on one time with both instructors (Holly & Christina). Students will receive a certification upon completion of the course.
Course Curriculum
Basics of different body art methods (traditional vs fine line)
State rules & regulations
Intro to Fine Line Tattoos
Clients/Pre-care requirements
Product Knowledge
In-depth machine & stroke lengths knowledge
In depth needles knowledge
Different printing and stenciling techniques
Knowledge of skin layers and which is the proper depth for tattoo,
Different body placements and pain level/color retention corresponding to the body part.
Color theory
Proper sanitation requirements
Hand Movements/Placements
Practice on fake skin
Proper lining technique ( Push or Pull)
Proper shading techniques ( Pendulum, whip or solid packing)
Machine Holding
Proper Work Set up
How to Deliver Quality Customer Service
Client Consultation/Consent forms
Understanding proper tattooing pressure
Understanding of "Passes" in body art and fine line tattoos
Do's and Don't's
How to capture quality photos/videos and how to edit
Aftercare requirements
Private fINE LINE course includes
USB with 1000+ designs
Flux Wireless Machine (with charging cables and adaptor)
Needles (1rl and 3rl)
Ink Eeze Pink Glide
Stencil stuff
Bactine cleansing spray
Thermal stencil papers
Aloe Vera Gel
Saniderm tattoo wrap
Dynamic ink (Black)
Intenze ink (Red)
Brite ink (White)
Alcohol wipes
Practice skin
Green soap
Surgical skin marker
6 inch acrylic ruler
Dental bibs
Ink Cups
Lipstick applicators
Wooden wax sticks
Clip cord sleeve
Official Manual
Framed certificate
Ongoing Support and Continuous Education
At Imperfect Artistry, we believe in continuous education. Student’s learning journey does not end after taking the training. Students can come back to our studio in Scottsdale Arizona anytime within the first 3 months to shadow any of our artists to fully grasp the skillset. At the shadowing appointment, students will get to watch the instructor, or any other artist perform the procedure from start to finish. Questions will be allowed at the shadow appointment.
Imperfect Artistry also offers a chance for students to practice at our studio for the first month after training. This will allow the student to bring in models to work under the guidance of the instructor for additional practice and understanding of the fine line tattoo method.
For students residing outside of Arizona, especially those in California, we understand the challenges of making a trip back to Arizona. To accommodate this, we are returning to Southern California every other month, offering another opportunity for you to join us for a shadowing session or to take more model under our guidance, completely free of charge. Please note that the location will be different each time, and details will be announced closer to the date. Space is limited, and availability will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis.
Email : imperfectartistyllc@gmail.com
Click book now to book with Holly or Christina for fine line tattoo training.